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Appointment for a JC360 demo

We would be glad to show you during a personal meeting how JC360 could work in your company. Which day would be good for you next week? Please fill out your contact details and our colleague will get in touch with you regarding your appointment.

I would prefer a call back

Your contact details have been sent to our colleague who will get in touch with you shortly.


  • Average daily worktime by work type

    It shows the average daily worktime for the chosen timeframe by work type. The data of the work types can be shown or hidden by clicking on them. You can see the data per person, done from or out of the office if you untick the "Aggregated" box.

  • Average start and finish

    It shows the summarized average starting and ending dates of work for the chosen timeframe. You can see the data per person, done from or out of the office if you untick the "Aggregated" box.

  • Worktime by tasks

    It shows the summarized worktime spent on each tasks for the chosen timeframe. You can see the data per person, done from or out of the office if you untick the "Aggregated" box.

  • Working time balance

    It shows the users' working time balance (green if plus, red if minus) compared to the expected worktime set within the company settings.

  • Active worktime on computer

    It shows the users' active worktimes on computers in percentage of the total worktime in the chosen timeframe.

  • Productive worktime on computer

    It shows the productive worktime of the users on computer for the chosen timeframe, summarized. You can see the data per person, done from or out of the office if you untick the "Aggregated" box. You can set what is considered productive after clickin on the "Setting productive/non-productive work" link.